
Learn how to add barcode and qrcode in your document.


Pdfless includes Barcode generator and supports multiple barcode formats.
You can add barcode with {{{barcode 'value' 'format' 'classname'}}} syntax into your html.


  <address id="from">
    <h3>Synapsium SAS</h3>
    10 boulevard de la République, 92250
    La Garenne Colombes, France
    @: contact@synapsium.com

<div class="barcode-container">
  {{{barcode 'CODE39 Barcode' 'CODE39' 'my_class_name'}}}

// You can also insert variable into snippet without simple quote
<div class="barcode-container">
  {{{barcode variable_barcode_value variable_barcode_format 'my_class_name'}}}



codebar snippet has 3 parameters.

Parameter Description Type
Value (first parameter) Value you want to convert to barcode string
Code (second parameter) Format of barcode Optional - string (default : CODE128)
Class name (third parameter) CSS class name of generated svg Optional - string

You can define null value if you don't want to set value to optional parameters.


  {{{barcode 'CODE39 Barcode' null null}}}

Supported format

Format Code Sample About format
Code 128 CODE128 Example\1234 It supports all 128 ASCII characters but does also encode numbers.
Code 39 CODE39 CODE39 Barcode It encodes numbers, uppercase letters and a number of special characters (-, ., $, /, +, %, and space)
International Article Number EAN13 5901234123457 Only 13 Digits supported.
International Article Number EAN8 96385074 Only 8 Digits supported.
International Article Number EAN5 54495 `Only 5 Digits supported.
International Article Number EAN2 43 Only 2 Digits supported.
Universal Product Codes UPC 123456789999 UPC specification with only 12 digits.
Interleaved 2 of 5 ITF14 12345678901231 It encodes 14 digits and the last digit of an ITF-14 barcode is an checksum that it will be calculated automatically if it is left out.
Modified Plessey MSI 1234 It supports digits 0-9.
Modified Plessey MSI10 1234 It supports digits 0-9 and it provides checksum calculation of Mod 10. Result will be 12344.
Modified Plessey MSI11 1234 It supports digits 0-9 and it provides checksum calculation of Mod 11. Result will be 12343.
Modified Plessey MSI1010 1234 It supports digits 0-9 and it provides checksum calculation of Mod 1010. Result will be 123448.
Modified Plessey MSI1110 1234 It supports digits 0-9 and it provides checksum calculation of Mod 1110. Result will be 123430.
Pharmacode pharmacode 1234 Pharmacode is a barcode used in the pharmaceutical industry. It can encode numbers 3 to 131070.
Codabar codabar C1234567890D It encodes numbers and a number of special characters (–, $, :, /, +, .). You can set start and stop characters to A, B, C or D but if no start and stop character is defined A will be used.